Jobs With Justice San Francisco is a long-term, strategic alliance of labor, community, faith-based, and student organizations working together to build a strong, progressive movement for economic and social justice locally and nationally.

We believe in fighting for workers’ rights, economic justice and a sustainable global economy. We see that the struggles that workers face at the worksite are inseparable from the struggles workers face in their communities, and are committed to connecting our movement to a broader vision of global justice.

We believe in organizing and direct action. Organizing, educating, and mobilizing working people and their allies is key to building power.

We believe in solidarity. Together we have more power and win fights that none of us could win alone. Jobs With Justice builds locally accountable multiracial coalitions of labor, community, faith-based and student organizations that are part of a national network. We build relationships for the long haul that are rooted in the principles of reciprocity, mutual respect, and the conviction that our struggles for social justice cannot be separated.

We believe in victories. We build power through winning our campaigns for workers’ rights and economic justice. We engage in strategic fights that address the root causes of the problems facing workers and communities.

Jobs With Justice San Francisco is part of a national network of over 40 local coalitions in 25 states. We participate in nationally coordinated activities and support JwJ coalitions in other parts of the country.


Jobs With Justice San Francisco was launched in September 2009 by a diverse group of community and labor organizers who began the process of building a long-term strategic alliance of community and labor organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area, as part of the national Jobs With Justice network. This effort sought to create a space to deepen community-labor solidarity and build the unified power of working families and their communities in San Francisco and beyond. In launching Jobs With Justice San Francisco, initial work was primarily focused in San Francisco, as there was already significant infrastructure to support workers’ rights campaigns in a few other parts of the Bay Area (East Bay, South Bay), though not yet for the region as a whole.